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How To Learn SEO Optimization The Right Way

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It is important to learn SEO optimization if you are blogging, intend to blog or have a business online.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and when it is used properly it is a great way to drive organic traffic to your blog or website.

Learning SEO is simpler than you think, but it is important to learn it correctly so you are not just spinning your wheels writing away but not actually driving traffic to your blog or website.

SEO also plays a huge role in attracting the right people to your blog or website because after all, what good is traffic if no one is engaged or buying anything from you?

A laptop being used to look at the data of a website.


What You Need To Understand About Creating An SEO Strategy

The first thing to understand is that each post on your blog is counted as a single post.

So even if you have a page that shows 10 different posts on the same page, such as your homepage, each post is still counted as a separate page by the search engines.

That's why it is important to optimize each and every post or page for SEO.

The following tips should be kept in mind for each post or page in order to optimize them for the search engines and drive more traffic to your blog or website:

  • Optimize each blog post around a single keyword that is found in the Google Search Console that links to your site.
  • Make sure your keyword is in your blog post title and URL. Place the keyword as close to the front of the title as possible.
  • Use your keywords in your subheads and also use your keywords as tags on your site.
  • Include 1-3 keyword links in your blog posts. This is known as anchor text.
  • Finish every blog post with a set of links that direct link to another post on your site that includes matching keywords.
  • Use bold and italics effectively to emphasize certain keywords and phrases.
  • Be sure to submit the post to the various search engine directories to get it out there faster and also share it on social media.
  • Include tags for all of your posts and pages.
  • Use categories effectively and limit them to no more than seven per site.
  • Make links appear natural by linking to internal pages of your site and be sure to use no follow links for external links especially if they are paid links or affiliate links.

Because each post is a separate page, the search engines will crawl them and index them just as they do your pages.

SEO Optimization Is Important For Online Success

Optimize each post or page heavily around a specific keyword related to your site.

By doing this you are giving the search engines an extra doorway into your site allowing each page to be indexed.

By adding anchor text to a couple of those keywords and pointing those links to relevant internal pages on your site you are improving the SEO effect of your blog entry because the bots will see related content and understand what the site is about.

SEOmoz polled top SEO experts about the 10 most important SEO factors for ranking.

The results showed that these type of keyword links are among the top 10 most important SEO factors for ranking.

This is why is it important to learn SEO optimization and not give up on using the appropriate keywords and anchor text for your site.

Optimize Keyword Tags For SEO As Well

Be sure to include appropriate keyword tags with each blog entry.

Choose a few from your Google Search Console that describe the main topics you write about and start with those.

It is important to narrow the number of tags down so they are focused, especially in the beginning.

The use of too many tags will confuse your readers and the bots, so start with a handful, write those posts and expand as needed.

Tags are used by the search engines to index your pages and posts appropriately for your keywords.

Also, social bookmarkers will find it easier to tag your blog entry if they like it and this makes it easier to share among their social group.

Your blog category should indicate an important element of interest as well.

Unlike tags, you should only choose one category for each blog post.

Don't use "main" or "uncategorized."

Those are too generic.

Use a specific keyword-related category as that will make your blog posts more crawlable by the search engines.

Be Sure To Ping Blog Directories When You Update Or Make New Posts

There are more than 100 blog directories that you can ping to let them know you have updated your blog.

I suggest you do this every time you update your blog, however if this seems overwhelming, at least update your post or add your post in the backend of Google Search Console.

Another option is use software that will automatically ping the various search engines each time you update your blog.

One option is to use Ping-o-Matic to do this.

Best of you, it allows you to ping your blog for free.

Natural SEO Links Are Essential To Proper Optimization

Finally, if you sign your blog posts with a keyword-rich signature that points to a relevant internal page of your site, this will make your site more crawl-able and give you another anchor text link.

Use something like, "Find Out More About Keyword" and replace the word keyword with the appropriate keyword for your blog post.

Then add another link that points to you a landing page with a similar keyword or another relevant post.

The important thing to remember about keywords and links is to make them appear natural.

The benefits of taking the time to learn SEO optimization are enourmous.

Once you have a basic understanding of how to optimize your site for SEO you are sure to see an increase in relevant traffic to your site.

If you are a brand new blogger, or simply do not know how to use Google Search Console, I highly recommend the Free 5 Day Course created by Crystal and Kelli called Dominate.

Just click on the graphic below to go to the signup page.

I highly recommend the following articles:

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