Did you know an easy way to start building blog traffic is with an email list?
How To Start Building Blog Traffic With An Email List
Blogging has rapidly become the primary traffic generation tool of marketers as well as a great way for creative people to share their thoughts, images or artwork or even video online.
It's an easy, and efficient way to create and maintain connections with friends, family, customers, staff, colleagues or peers, and best of all, ensure consistent, easier to link to listings in search engines as well as from websites.
Although many people insist 'the money is in the email list' - and while that's still true, there is a certain element of truth in the concept that the Internet is changing in favor of blogs because of the authentic content bloggers produce.
This change means that even though you might not make the same number of sales as you do from an email list, blogs are still a powerful, compelling way to make money online - and, of course a great way to continue to build your email list.
Sometimes The Goal Is Not Money, But Building Blog Traffic Is Still Important
Of course, not every bloggers goal is to make money - some just want to share their thoughts, knowledge or artistic pursuits.
Some use their blog as an online journal.
This is ok too.
Even these bloggers need to start an email list because you just never know where blogging might take you.
Thanks to my blog I have signed numerous book contacts.
Already having an email list in place was very beneficial to this process as once the book was ready I could let people know how to order it.
This is why blogging and list building should not be not mutually exclusive of one another either
Both tactics compliment one another and allow you to extend your reach.
Provide Value To Keep Building Blog Traffic
While the reach expansion might seem slow at first, one of the best things about it is that people will remember and reference you if you provide value to them.
Providing value and being authentic is the key and this is an aspect of blogging that many overlook.
Blogs contain one very powerful concept - interaction and this is why starting an email list is so important.
When bloggers interact with their readers through their blog and also through their email list people are more interested in what they are saying.
This interaction along with the insights an email list provide allows you to gain insight into how your market actually works, which, in turn, gives you the ability to drill down even further into your chosen specialty area.
With a little help, planning, and work, you can build an amazing, engaging and useful email list that is a credit to your company or the companies you work with.
Both a blog and an email list also offers you the opportunity to create a customer based connection that rewards you as well as your readers with a rich relationship.
The rewards for taking the time to do this is a loyal customer or fan base that will follow you and buy based on your recommendations.
Some Will Love You, Some Won't
Depending on your blogging style, you'll either make friends or enemies – but either way, they will eventually comment on your blog or talk about you on social media.
People that comment are more likely to return to your site – and those that return will eventually give you feedback and basis for more content that will bring more readers.
At first the comments might be positive, but as you grow do expect some criticism.
Constructive criticism can help your company grow - but not every negative comment is constructive.
Have a plan in place ahead of time - and don't be afraid of banning haters from your blog or removing them from your email list.
Ready To Take Your Blog To The Next Level?
For those ready to take their blogging to the next level, I found a great book called Skyrocket Your Pageviews with Goole Analytics.
It has really helped me and clarified so much. I have starting seeing a climb in my page views and more monetization from Google Analytics.
Click here to view more details and please note, this is an affiliate link so I do get a small commission if you buy this book using this link.
Final Thoughts About Building Blog Traffic
Blogs are a win-win situation – so if you don't already have one, what are you waiting for?
There is no better day than today to get started!
Comments and questions always welcome!
My Recommendation For Those Ready To Keep Moving Forward Building Blog Traffic
For those ready to take their blogging to the next level, I found a great book called Skyrocket Your Pageviews with Goole Analytics.
It has really helped me and clarified so much.
I have starting seeing a climb in my page views and more monetization from Google Analytics.
I have also taken the Dominate The Search Engines Using Webmaster Tools course -you can try the course free for 5 days by clicking the photo above, plus the Conquer The Layers Of Search Engine Optimization course.
I highly recommend all three courses.
Click here to view more details and please note, this is an affiliate link so I do get a small commission if you buy this book using this link.
Questions? Leave them in the comments below!
I highly recommend the following articles:
- How to Write Professional Emails
- Email Etiquette 101
- 12 Must-Have Blogger Apps
- 3 Easy Ways To Make Money Blogging
- 5 Time Saving Tips For Bloggers
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Friday 21st of December 2018
I think it is not possible building traffic with email list. We can do to it with SEO only.
Sheri Ann Richerson
Monday 31st of December 2018
The email list does build traffic because those are the people who are waiting to hear from you. When an email newsletter goes out, they come to the site to check out the latest posts. They also share those posts with others. SEO is important and builds organic traffic, but the two work well together.