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How to Get a Custom Link

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Which link would you rather click on?


I’m guessing you probably said the second one. That’s because it gives you a clue as to what you will be seeing once you click the link. Many of us are (rightly so) a little leery of clicking short links just because you can’t see where it leads. By customizing your bit,ly links, you can increase your click through rate. When I look at my analytics, I can see that I get more views on custom links than generic ones. Best of all, it’s easy to do!

How to Get a Custom Link

  1. Enter your post into (log in first to be able to use analytics) or use the sidebar while on your post.
  2. In the custom section, type in a few short words that explain your link. No spaces. Keep it short.
  3. click save. If it saves, great! If not it’s because that link has already been used. Try a variation and if you still aren’t having luck, add a little code that signifies your blog. For example maybe is taken but might not be (BBB for Biannual Blogathon  Bash.) I use short forms for all my blogs when I’m making notes and such. CR, GG, SMS and BBB.
  4. That’s it! Share your custom link.
    NOTE: links are CASE SENSITIVE. So if blogpost is taken, BlogPost might not be, or BLOGPOST or bLOGpOST for that matter, although I don’t recommend that one.
    I entered what I wanted in the customize box. I tried custombitly but it said that was taken so I tried CustomBitly and it worked.

Ways to Use Your Custom Link

  • Draw interest to your giveaways (
  • Use the most popular words that pertain to your post to draw clicks (
  • Use a short sentence that will draw interest in finding out more (

If you have any more ideas, I’d love to hear them!

Sharing is caring!

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Saturday 1st of November 2014

Nice tutorial. I really appreciate it. This will help me improve my SEO skills. I've seen these on Facebook where they share links with bilty then it will direct you to a website. Bitly is very useful. No one wants a long hyperlink shared on profiles.


Friday 10th of October 2014

It is so easy to do! We've been using custom links for a while now when we need one, and would never go back to the random code. My recent post Are You Prepared for Winter Driving?

Kathleen Bailey

Friday 10th of October 2014

It IS so easy. It takes an extra 2 seconds tops.

valmg @ MKIA

Wednesday 8th of October 2014

How funny! I see these all the time and never noticed that they were case sensitive!


Monday 6th of October 2014

What a great tutorial, I needed that the other day and soo glad I found a good one now. Thanks for sharing, will bookmark it. This will come in handy so many times. My recent post Make Halloween #SweetOrTreat a fun one this year with some simple Treat craft ideas with Free Printable

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