I’m still learning what time saving tips work the best, so I’m no pro at this by any means.
So instead of focusing on one specific thing to learn how to manage your time effectively, here are the some general time saving tips.
Eliminate Distractions
There is nothing worse than when you sit down to write and you get a sentence out and you are starting to get in the groove only to have someone come in the room to ask you a question, the phone rings, someone is knocking on the door or your stomach grumbles.
Before you get down to work, tell everyone it’s your work hours and they are not to disturb you.
Let them get the phone and door and gave a snack and bathroom break first.
Distractions take away time.
Do Like Tasks Together
Instead of doing an activity, taking photos, writing a post, editing photos, finalizing the post, then hitting publish or schedule and then starting all over, do all similar tasks at the same time.
When I first heard this tip I didn’t think it mattered but when I actually tried it, I could see that it really did help.
Taking all my photos at once meant connecting the cord only once to my computer or wirelessly uploading them all at one time.
Editing all of them at the same time means opening my photo editing program once.
Writing posts all at once meant I kept in my groove and churned them out faster.
Be Organized
This probably sounds like an obvious one but it’s not easy, at least for me.
I have lost count of all the times I’ve tried a new organization system but as I finally get close to what works for me and fine tune the system, I get closer to taking less time to do tasks.
I now have my own office which really helps as I can arrange things in the way that makes sense to me.
I have charts beside me with fairly current social media stats so when I’m asked for it, I don’t have to open each site again to find out.
Even keeping your desk clean can really increase your productivity as you don’t have to waste time looking for that paper or pen.
Have a Plan
If you have to waste time thinking up blog post ideas when you are sitting down to write, you will be wasting a lot of time.
Using an editorial calendar or other type of plan will save you time because you will already know what you are writing when you sit down.
There are lots of versions of editorial calendars or blog plans and again you will have to try them out to see which one best suits you but once you have found that format, you will be saving time.
Some bloggers do everything themselves while others have team members or co bloggers who do tasks too.
Some bloggers do most of it themselves but hire a VA (Virtual Assistant) to do certain daily or weekly tasks, thereby allowing the blogger to save time for post writing.
If you aren’t doing absolutely everything yourself, take time to make sure you are delegating tasks properly.
Use your team.
For more time saving tricks, visit a few of my favorite blogs:
- Blogger Hacks and Tricks to Save Time by Ellen Blogs
- 6 iPad Apps that Actually Make Blogging Easier by Pretty Opinionated
- Save time on Social Media with Facebook Interest Lists by Mom on the Side
- 5 Tips on How to Save Time for the Busy Mom by Day by Day in Our World