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The Key to Productivity

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The Trick to Productivity is just to actually DO it.

This sounds like a duh but seriously, how many times do you…

  • read about doing something
  • think about doing something
  • plan to do something
  • write something on your to-do list
  • try to do something while doing something else
  • do something else before doing IT
  • wonder if you should be doing IT

I find I get so much more done when I stop procrastinating and just DO it. It’s hard though! No I don’t need a snack first, or to adjust my music first, or plan a certain day to do it. Just DO IT.

That quote is good except for where it says intelligent planning. I don’t think too much planning is needed for productivity. When I REALLY clean my house or write a post, I don’t plan it. I just do it. When you need to do something and you find yourself thinking about it too much, remember Nike’s slogan of “Just Do It.”

Stay off Facebook and Twitter, stop rearranging your papers, getting a snack or talking to your family for just ONE hour and see how productive you can be.

Did you know that today, June 20 is World Productivity Day?

If you need some more tips on productivity I’ve written about it before including ways of blocking out distractions and tips like that. But even with those tips, ultimately, JUST DO IT!

I guess I'm just one of these people who, when I decide I'm going to do something, I just do it.

Tom Ford

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Monday 22nd of June 2015

Shia LeBeouf has officially gone crazy. I've seen some of his odd antics, but that video takes the cake. My recent post Double the Scoring, Double the Fun


Monday 22nd of June 2015

I love that video. And it is true, it is the only way to get what you want in life and your career. Just do it.

Mama to 5 Blessings

Monday 22nd of June 2015

My problem is that I am so busy that I get forgetful. I so need to make lists and stick to them!


Sunday 21st of June 2015

These are some good tips!! Sometimes I find ir is better if I skip putting something on my "to do" list and just DO IT instead! My recent post Easy DIY 4th of July Planter


Sunday 21st of June 2015

If only I had the willpower to stay off of facebook!! These are great tips to help improve your productivity.

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