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How Many LinkedIn Connections Do I Have?

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How many LinkedIn connections do I have? That’s a question many of people have if they have over 500 connections. LinkedIn shows your connections only as 500+. So how do you find how many you have? You want to know if your connections are growing right?

Luckily there is a way and it’s actually really easy!

How Many LinkedIn Connections Do I Have in 3 Easy Steps

Go to Log in.

Step One: Search For Your Name

Type your name as it is on LinkedIn into the search box and click the magnifying glass (don’t click on your name in the dropdown menu.)

Related: LinkedIn Tips for Brand Friendly Bloggers

Step Two: Click On Where It Says 500+ Connections

When the results come up, click on where it says 500+ connections under your name. It’s a clickable link. This will bring you to a list of your own connections.

Step Three:  See Your Number of Connections

See under Relationships, the number under 1st Connections? That’s your current number of connections. In the image below, you can see I currently have 830 connections. Below, under location, you can also see how many you have in different countries or popular cities.

Now that you know how many connections you have, add me and make it ONE MORE!

Related: Blogger’s Guide to LinkedIn

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